Movie Night Package:
Foam mattresses and fitted cotton sheets​.
Twinkle light sets (battery operated)
Breakfast trays
Cosy Soft Fleece Blankets
Personalised names tags
Movie Night Cushions
Popcorn Tubs
Standard Package Price:
£135 for three teepees £180 4 Individual Teepees
£220 for 5 Individual Teepees
£260 for 6Teepees £20 per additional teepee
Popcorn Cones £2.00
Vintage Popcorn Machine Hire
£20 with tubs
Projection Screen, Fairy Lights & Projector Hire
Personalised Welcome Board Sign &
Easel Hire £20
Sleepover Packs @ £12 per head
Personalised Cotton Movie Night Party Bags
containing a Flannel, Toothbrush,
Toothpaste and popcorn included
£425 - I night hire
Magical Igloo (with heater, flooring & fairy lights), 80" screen, projector,
bluetooth speaker, 2 x loungers, cushions, blankets, lanterns & candles, Firestick
See dome hire page.
All Children to bring their own pillows for hygiene purposes.
For Balloon Options - Please enquire.
Free delivery within a 10 miles radius of Rochester
a small delivery fee further afield.
PLEASE NOTE: We only set up in front rooms. For town houses please call us.